Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Chapter Seventeen


My phone rang as we neared the eastern sierra. Ike asked if we were on the approachin’ train. I considered tellin’ him it depended where he was, but opted to skip the wit. No one appreciates my humor anyway. I explained we are. He asked why I was speakin’ Trollish. I ignored the question.

“See ya on the platform.” He hung up without a polite good bye. He hadn’t said hello either.

Amazin’ how long it takes a train rippin’ over the desert at over three-hundred miles-an-hour to slow down. I fought the inertia that pressed my body forward, like landin’ in a passenger jet. Fifteen minutes later we cued for the exit. On the platform we moved aside to let other travelers make their way toward the terminal and various exits.

I caught Ike’s wavin’ hand about the time Nuel announced she’d seen Frip and Ponwr. They weren’t as obvious in this crowd. A lot more trolls. Go figger. We met halfway. The two trolls looked exhausted. Could have had coal dust smudged around their eyes, eyes which moved constantly searchin’ for danger. Ponwr motioned us against the near, white granite wall, and he and Frip positioned ’emselves in front of us. A pretty good wall ’emselves, considerin’.

“Good to see ya both well,” Ike said, before turnin’ to me. “Ya get it?”

I handed him the SD card as the attorney had to me, palm down, extended between my fingers.

“What’s that?” Nuel hissed. “Get what?”

Ike shushed her. Holey moley, I no longer had to kill her, could just look back at this moment and remember the expression on her pale face. Worth all the pain.

Ike slid the SD card into a vest pocket as he explained he had us come this way because fools searched for us between the Range and home. Lots of secrety spy stuff goin’ on, obviously.

But I knew he referred to his danger, not ours. He needed to meet me to get that SD drive. Like I’m not smart enough to figger that out. I felt a little manipulated. He had to have his own reasons.

He handed me a vehicle fob. “Ya’ll find a white OM coupe on the lower parkin’ level. Take the Pass, follow the Ocean Highway north until ya can cut across on the new East-Plain Highway. Round about, but they won’t be lookin’ for ya there.”

Weird anyone would care about us. At least Nuel. Lots of folks hate me. I felt like pointin’ out the obvious.

But cool. Would get to experience this new Orc Pass, the Ocean Highway, and the East-Plain. I might get the hang of gettin’ out in the world. Still surprised I haven’t lapsed into some kind of unconscious state from bein’ away from my computer for days on end.

“I’m headin’ south,” Ike said. As though I didn’t see that comin’. It’s why Nuel and I stood here.

Nuel continued to ask questions which Ike and I ignored. Priceless.

Ponwr ushered us all up the concourse, takin’ the lead with long steps, Frip fallin’ behind me. At the junction Ike said, “Got to go. Be boardin’ in a second. Be safe.”

Ponwr motioned to the left, which was clearly marked, To Parkin, and took the time to warn us not to dawdle. And the three of ’em traipsed to the right with meaningful strides.

I was through the security turnstile before I realized Nuel wasn’t with me. I searched for her through the bars. She stood where the three of ’em had left us, watchin’ ’em disappear into a new crowd.

What did she think don’t dawdle meant?

She stood there like a lost youngling for a good ten-count.




That hurt more than I could describe.

Thankfully the idjit didn’t say anythin’ to me when I caught up with him. I followed him along the movin’ walkway and into the parkin’ area where we strode up the aisles, Kriz pointin’ the fob and triggerin’ it like a weapon, searchin’ for the promised transportation.

I let him get behind the wheel of the OM SUV. Fancy thin’. Sleek. Silver-pearl. What was I doin’? He never drove. Did he even have a license? Didn’t need to drive in the Hamlet, took the bus to work, walked to the market when he needed to. I was lettin’ a basket-case autistic-fool drive me across the continent?

He managed out of the parkin’ lot, hands at three and nine, without plowin’ into the back of another car, made it down the avenue, merged onto the highway as though he had more than three brain cells. I sat back, closin’ my eyes for a bit. No need to see my fiery death comin’ at the bottom of a crevasse.

Anyway, death right now, this second, wasn’t completely a negative outcome, the way I felt. Ike had been so cold to me. He wasn’t just preoccupied. He shushed me. Dismissed me.

Kriz no doubt got an enormous amount of pleasure watchin’ that. Don’t know how I’d ever be able to look him in the eye again. Not that he ever treated me as though I deserved to breathe the same air.

On the bright side, Kriz never makes eye contact with anyone.

What had the three of ’em been through the past week? Ike looked tired, but Frip and Ponwr appeared to have barely survived a war.

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