Thursday, May 3, 2018

How Does Your Writing Sound

Noah Lukeman in The First Five Pages warns about an element that should be obvious to all of us, but which is easy to overlook. Listen to your writing. Pay attention to:

  • Prose can be technically correct but rhythmically unpleasant
  • Sentences that are too long/short; not well divided; misuse of commas, periods, colons, semicolons, dashes & parentheses
  • Echoes—repeated sounds: character names, pronouns, unusual words, repetitive words
  • Alliteration
  • Resonance—context of a sentence within the paragraph; paragraph within page…

I've published a second edition (heavily updated version) of L1060. Two more in the series to edit.


  1. Congrats on your re-release. I didn't realize you had a writerly blog too. You're a busy guy!

  2. Nice to see the book is finished :) Looking forward to read it.

    And I found your other blog :)
