Thursday, June 6, 2019

HOOSIER DAD - Elizabeth Seckman

Hi Mac! Thanks for letting me stop by and spread the news about my newest book. Before I get to the self-promotion, I wanted to share this vacation pic with you. We took it today while on vacation. Our old dog, Grizzly, is eleven years old and he's having some hip problems that make walking on concrete nearly impossible, but he still loves to play on the beach. The problem? Our beach cottage is several blocks away from the beach and the walk there is mostly concrete and steps. does he get there? 

Hitch a ride with your human!

Boy #2, Cole, and Grizzly

Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend. 
                                                       Corey Ford

Now, about that book...

Sarah can hold her own in a courtroom, but when it comes to love, she’s 0-3 and Rich was her biggest loss to date. 

Hoosier Dad is available for pre-sale:

Elizabeth is a mom, a wife, and the caretaker of far too many pets, all of whom her children swore they'd take care of. But they went off to college leaving fur babies in their place. She is a multi-published author of women's fiction and romance. 

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