Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ready for Beta Readers Soon

My latest in my Shadow series will be through major edits soon, and be available for beta readers. If this Suspense-(small case r) romance interests you, send me a note.

Former Olympian Bea Ruud rolls a wheelchair compliments of a sociopathic stalker who will not die. She’s experienced hell the past year. Victim. Alcoholic haze. Person of interest. Mother’s murder. Her sole goal is to reinvent herself with the broken body she has left. Late to the competitive venture of love, she doesn’t feel she brings much to the game, but oddly multiple admirers see past her intrinsic flaws. Her dad’s pick, the former SEAL. The other SEAL. An architect. A shrink. A fibbie. They should be smart enough to flee.


  1. Send it to me. I'll be happy to give it a read. I do enjoy a romance, with a small r.

  2. It doesn't sound like my type of story.

  3. Good luck and every success with this one :)

    All the best Jan
