Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Greetings from the Hermit WRiter.

I speak a lot about my SPACe Model, of Setting, Plot, Action, and Conflict. There is a sweet spot for the tone the author is shooting for.

Not perfect Balance. A fitting balance.

I love Janet Evanovich. But I don't read Janet because of her plots. It's her characters, humor, twist of words, and ridiculous situations which enable me to plow through her novels in one sitting.

But if a novel is propped up to be "realistic," and premise after premise is simply plain stupid, then all the great characters and great use of language isn't going to make it a good read.

The writer must keep all of the elements of fiction in mind, balance their needs to the genre, mood and voice.

The realism of plot must fit a drama, while it may take a back seat in slapstick and light paranormal.

It doesn't bother me at all if Evanovich is all over the place. But if Sandra Brown's characters or plot wander, I close the book and find another.

Characters, scenes, dialogue, and description don't all have to be exquisite, as long as on balance, there is enough there to carry the reader from plot point to plot point.


  1. I had a conversation with another author recently about balancing language, in the sense of knowing how much description is appropriate and when it becomes intrusive. Balance can be elusive, but it's worth the hunt.
